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A Letter To My Parents #HappyReinventing

Writer: Kathi Sharpe-RossKathi Sharpe-Ross

I wrote this Blog sitting on a plane one day on one of my many cross-country flights, contemplating my wonderful life and thinking about all that I’m doing with the “Reinventing Your Life” space – my media company, website, book, blogs, interviews, content and social media.

I started this “hobby-turned-business” because people have always told me how lucky I am that I get to do what I want, when I want, how I want and my business – THE SHARPE ALLIANCE – always makes it look like I’m just having fun.

Not so! It’s hard work but I owe a lot to my parents who gave me the tools to recognize HOW to have the life that I want – entrepreneurial, no box, free spirited, balanced, passionate, curious and driven.  As they say, if you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life! And I do!!

For that I’m grateful and thus, I wrote this sitting on that plane ride and decided to share it with you.  I hope it resonates for you.  We don’t always stop and take stock of the profound impact our parents have had and the learnings we have taken away from all of our life experiences with them – good, bad, different, other… but if it weren’t for them, we wouldn’t be here!

I love you Mommy and Daddy! This one’s for you…

Thank you for showing me what’s possible

Thank you for bringing me up with the view that there’s no box

Showing me the world

How to be strong and independent

The safety I grew up with

The security to be me

To be self-reliant

To be open

To be inclusive

To be accepting

To see what’s possible

How to love

How to live

How to give

How to be compassionate

How be inspired

How to be curious

How to speak up

How to want more always

How to be involved

Not because it’s your birthday or Father’s Day or Mother’s Day

Just because I can. Thank you.

I love you!




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